RETURN                                               ZONING CHANGES IN THE MILL POINT  

       major changes to the zoning of this precinct have been approved by Council 

       and have now been gazetted by the State Government (18/1/2013); main changes are as follows:

         1) in addition to development of apartments, an increased emphasis on offices; generous bonuses related to scale and design quality

         2) car-parking requirements have been relaxed considerably  3) size of development is no longer controlled by "plot ratio"

         4) front and side boundary set-backs have been reduced markedly

         5) height limits increased to 25 metres (8 storeys) *  throughout the Scott-Richardson sub-precinct , 

             and 41 metres (12 storeys) *   for sites fronting Melville Parade and Judd Street;

             * measured from ground level to the finished floor level of the uppermost storey

        for further information go to South Perth Station Precinct Plan

        to access the South Perth Online Mapping System check here